Here you can download all the results from my unsupervised POS induction experiment.
You can choose a specific model, corpus and tagset (and see the results for different number of induced clusters)
from the dropboxes bellow or you can download all the files.
You can also download the collapsed 13-tagset used to approximate the Multext-East tagset.
All result files (results.tar)
Many-to-1 | Many-to-one accuracy |
1-to-1 | One-to-one accuracy |
CrossVal | Cross-Validation accuracy |
H(CL) | Induced cluster entropy |
VI | Variation of Information |
VM | V-Measure |
VM(b) | V-beta |
SP | Substitutable Precision |
SR | Substitutable Recall |
F-SCore | Substitutable F-Score |
h | Substitutable Homogeneity |
c | Substitutable Completeness |
S-VM | Substitutable V-Measure |
S-VM(b) | Substitutable V-beta |